Write for NewsVilla

News Villa acknowledges unique publication contributions (India News reports, World News, Entertainment News, Sports News, Fashion, Technology and Travel, which are genuine and origional), despite the fact that we maintain the last authority to publish it with ourselves ( I hope you comprehend that in any case we have some Publishing Policies).

So if any article is not promulgated, that doesn’t mean there was any issue with your article, rather it demonstrates that we have got some genuine irrevocable Policies.

Also better believe it, we won’t pay you anything for your articles (we could change that in future depending on the quality and quantity of your articles).

Note : We don’t Publish Obscene, Horrible, Promotional or Spam.

That was an upfront disclaimer, now the way to contribute:

You can email your Articles/News Reports/ Images/videos at admin@mediaclicks.in with the Title of the News Story and Subject line containing the keyword ‘submission’ (we can change the title and perform some minor spelling or grammatical changes in your article).

Of course you can have a pseudonym if you prefer to hide your real identity.

>Write for News Villa and be apart of India’s most entrusted News World.